From: James Stone <stone1(a)>
when starting muse as a normal user I get:
cannot open rtc clock /dev/rtc: Permission denied
how can I change the permission permanently?
kernel 2.6 with realtime.0.04
Don't know about 2.6 kernels. Have you tried setting muse suid root? I
you are launching as muse -R (?)
What does muse -R do? I just run it as muse, and connect to jack. Not
sure what the realtime option does, just hangs on my computer.. unless I
change muse to suid (which is not necessary if it has been compiled with
rtcap). Don't worry about the kernel version. makes no difference.
I have the same experience. rtcap enabled, no difference between kernel
versions. I don't use the realtime module but the kernel hack. Works well
with Jack and everything else.
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