Hi Josh,
On Wed, 2 Sep 2009, Josh Lawrence wrote:
gui/src/PlaylistEditor/PlaylistDialog.cpp: In
gui/src/PlaylistEditor/PlaylistDialog.cpp:101: error: ‘playerControl’
was not declared in this scope
dpkg-buildpackage: failure: debian/rules build gave
error exit status 2
My best guess is that it's using the wrong version of uic. You should get
something like this:
$ uic -version
Qt User Interface Compiler version 4.4.3
However, if you get this:
$ uic -version
User Interface Compiler for Qt version 3.3.8b
It's bad. The easiest way to correct this issue is to (as root)
# update-alternatives --config uic
# update-alternatives --config moc
# update-alternatives --config qmake
...and set them to the Qt4 versions.