to continue my discussion from last october list...
I've managed to use the envelope generator to achieve a good hihat pedal feeling,
still not finished though.
This is what i have for a group :
eg8_time0=0 eg8_level0=1
eg8_time1=0.1 eg8_time1_oncc4=2 eg8_level1=0
I have a question about how linuxsampler deal with the envelopes, especially with the
egN_timeX_onccY opcode :
It looks like the envelope generator is determined with the last CCY value just before the
note_on message.
Then changing the CCY's value won't change the opcode value, it has be fixed when
the sample was triggered.
So in my case with that opcode, the length of the volume envelope is determined when the
sample is triggered.
I would like to be able to modify this envelope length even after the sample has been
triggered, is there a way to do that ?