On 01/09/2012 08:21 PM, jonetsu wrote:
Hello all,
Hardware related.
For quite some time I had the volume knob fixed at one setting on the
M-Audio Studiophile speakers, using the headphone jack connected to a
pair of Sennheiser remote headphones with their own volume control
(plus any software volume controls). Recently when I tried to use the
M-Audio speakers w/o headphones I was surprised to find that the
volume knob has what I call 'rust' as it makes a loud noisy sound
when rotated. Is there any fix for this ? I kind of recall that
there was some kind of spray that was sold at Radio Shacks way back
then to remove the 'rust' off potentiometers. Anyone got the same
problem ? Are the speakers casings to be opened to spray such stuff
or can it find its way from the small spacing around the knob at the
front ? And is this stuff still around anyways and does it work at
all ?
Before you do that, turn them off, and rapidly (but gently) rotate the
knobs through their entire range of travel. It's most likely dust and
grime from the air that had collected on the guts of the pot, and are
preventing a good connection at all points. By moving the pot back and
forth, you maybe able to scrape the grunge off and get them to work.
If you decide to open it up and spray them, make sure you use a spray
without lubricant, The lubricant will leave a sticky residue and will
collect more dust and grime. Use the supplied little spray tube and
stick it into the back of the pot, spray some, and rapidly (but gently)
move the pot back and forth for 20-30 seconds. See if it helped. If
not, try it a couple more times. If it's still not good enough, just
replace them.
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mixing, equipment, etc, is at:
Staat heißt das kälteste aller kalten Ungeheuer. Kalt lügt es auch;
und diese Lüge kriecht aus seinem Munde: 'Ich, der Staat, bin das Volk.'
- [Friedrich Nietzsche]