Howdy, I'm trying to compile radium too...
On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 02:40:04PM +0200, Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen wrote:
It shouldn't be very important. Just go into the
Makefile and
remove "-Werror" from line 71. That might "solve" other
potentional compiling problems as well.
It fixes Michael's error - at least it does here :-)
FYI, I had to change the makefile a bit because
you defined $(QTDIR) as the qt lib/ directory, and
on gentoo, the QT headers are not in $(QTDIR)/include, they're
in $(QTDIR)/../include.
That fixes a bunch of errors with missing headers.
Now I'm stuck here:
g++ Qt/Qt_EventReceiver.cpp -c -g -Wall -DNOPAUSEPLAY -I/tmp/radium/gc6.1/include
-I/usr/X11R6/include -IQt/ -I/usr/qt/3/include -I`cat pypath.comp` -DGUIISQT
Qt/Qt_EventReceiver.cpp:63: error: brace-enclosed initializer used to
initialize `int'
make: *** [Qt_EventReceiver.o] Error 1
Paul Winkler