On Tuesday 15 December 2009 04:13:38 james morris wrote:
On 14/12/2009, "M Watts"
<zwy648rct(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>On 12/15/2009 06:32 AM, Iain Duncan wrote:
>> I can start qjackctl with three options for
>> midi-in-jack: none, raw, and seq. Sounds like seq is what I want but I
>> can't find anywhere in qjackctl to choose this.
>Setup > Settings tab, bottom left, where it says Midi driver.
If you're only connecting a small number of ports you could always use
the simple method of connecting the jack-midi port to jack-midi-through
which magically connects to alsa-midi-through which you then connect to
the alsa-midi-port. (or am I missing something?)
Yes, you are both missing that the jack-midi-to-alsa-midi bridge is only
included in the alsa backend, not in the ffado (aka firewire) backend.
a2jmidid (or similar apps) are the only solution here.
Or just use jack-midi enabled apps:-)