I just discovered two very ancient audio files on my
computer. I am
pretty sure they contain some interesting archival material in which I
am very interested ... but I can't get them to play. The problem is
that I don't know what format they're in -- I created them a number of
years ago on a mac, and I no longer remember how -- maybe using
InfoAudio has worked great for files made on my Mac in 1992 with no resource forks,
extensions, or descriptive names (mostly .snd, .aiff, .sdII, .au, etc) ..theres some pd
patches that then use the info reported to manually override all the
bitrate/endianness/samplerate/etc settings to soundfiler/sfread at
http://whats-your.name/pd (player.pd maybe, or try w.pd and follow the subpatch tree).
InfoAudio is in ftp://ftp.tsp.ece.mcgill.ca//pub/AFsp/AFsp-v8r1.tar.gz5B5B