On Monday 19 March 2007, Ken Restivo wrote:
That is a wonderful song! Wish I could write songs
like that; most of mine
only have two chords at most. Yours is much more interesting to listen to.
Thanks for the kind words
I've had great fun jamming to it too. As soon as I
figure out WTF to play
over the A7 Dsus4 E7 A7 that sounds right to me, I'll send you an ogg
and/or MIDI file.
Personally i tend to treat the A7 -> Dsus as V - I in D minor. So the most
obvious scale choices would be D harmonic minor -> D natural minor (but wth
emphasis on the 4th, the F). Then the E7 -> A7 i treat as V - I in A minor,
so it's A harmonic minor on the E7, but then the target chord isn't an A
natural minor sound, but rather again D harmonic minor.. Though in my little
world of sounds, a harmonic minor scale also always has the flat 3rd of the
dominant chord as option..
A7 Dm7
So the A7 sound is a mix of D harmonic minor and D natural minor for me.. And
then there's the option of tritone subs. I.e. Eb7 Dm7 and then the most
consonant sounding scale is Eb F G A Bb C D (dunno the name for it, but it's
an Eb7#11 sound)
I love that Abmaj7; I tend to use that chord a lot too.
Whomever it was that played a harmonic minor or Hungarian minor scale over
the D7 did the right thing IMHO. I keep finding myself doing that too and
AFAICT it seems to work really well.
Yes, you mean the Am7b5 D7 Gm7. Yeah, this is a classic minor turnaround and
thus the most consonant sound is:
Am7b5: G natural minor
D7: G harmonic minor
Gm7: G natural minor
I suppose advanced players might play G melodic minor on the D7 and then G
dorian on Gm7 or some other sounds, but i'm not one of them..
This is a great model for collaboration too. Have you
heard of
http://www.ccmixter.org ? It seems to be populated with a lot of
DJ/trance/hiphop/house type players/producers, but it's a good place to put
a track or loop and let others interpret/remix it.
Hmm, maybe the world needs a linuxmixter.org? I'll bet all the code for
ccmixter is GPL (or, CC "share-alike").
I'll take a look at CCmixter. Not sure about the need for a linuxmixter.
CCmixter is platform independent i guess..
Palimm Palimm!