On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 11:42:57AM +0100, Julien Claassen wrote:
Ken, thanks for the answer. OK, so the question is - in csound - what
would I set the audio input port "frequency" to? Would I set it to 1, to
get something sensible? Would I use an oscillator at some frequency as
input? there are the other audio rate inputs called exp fm, lin fm and
sync. Setting sync to something, whilst exp fm and lin fm are 0 isn't a
nice thing. :-) I can be certan of that situation. I get a very, very
lowfrequ sound. :-)
Sorry, to be so thick, but I never worked with LADSPA plugins as bits
of a synthesizer and haven't seen typical usage of them.
I don't know Csound. If you have access to LADSPA plugins from Csound, maybe
instantiate the LADSPA plugin that converts linear to 1V/octave, and feed the output of
that into the blvco.
I vaguely remember seeing an example of how to do this in Ingen or some other modular
synth, but it's been years and my memory seems to be getting worse every year.