So what do you think sucks about Linux audio ?
personally for me, that's the lack of contemporary pro hardware support.
right now i'm looking for a good USB audio intrface for my linux DAW...
and i feel like i'm back in the mid-90s again. ugh.
and the vast majority of supported hardware is low end. aaaarrrggh.
but that's all. for windows way of audio production, people have
windows, and for mac way, people have macs.
Too difficult to set up audio system.
JACK is a pain.
haha :) could anyone on earth PROVE me that windows is REALLY
to set up for ACCEPTABLE perfomance?? :)))))
JACK is not a pain for me, but ask me about
yep. terribly horrible thing.
We of the LAU community are using a general purpose
machine for a
very specific purpose, and some of us do so very successfully. If
someone is overwhelmed by the computer and the range of choices Linux
gives, then he or she may be better off with a specialized machine.
in fact, linux
has better potential for building _specialized_
environments for certain task(s), since linux is nothing else than a
construction set by it's nature.
for instance, mine is constructed for running software synthesis with
supercollider and realtime midi input.