On Fri, Nov 19, 2004 at 10:09:59AM -0800, Mark Knecht wrote:
While I agree with Jussi's comment that
prototypes are expensive I
still think this would be an interesting product to work on. Possibly,
if we get a design together and make a couple of prototypes that work,
and presuming there is enough of a market for it, maybe we can attract
some contract manufacturer here in Silicon Valley or elsewhere to
build it for us at lower cost. We might also license the design to a
more well known company and let them make and sell this unit as an
entry into the Linux world.
Why not start with a BeBoB based evaluation board? They are already
available, and I understand in time there will be Linux drivers for the
DM1000. I covers most of your wish-list, although there are licensing
issues using the software.
As with most things where this might lead is
unknown. What we have
here are a lot of smart people who have an interest in *something*
that we haven't exactly defined yet. I suggest that we try to take a
poll on what sort of unit would be of the most interest to people.
Some thoughts of mine, unprioritized and not representing what I want or need:
Interface to PC - 1394, USB, private Ethernet?
Thinking of the hardware I think most people have:
- Even my 6 year old PC has a firewire port
- A lot of hardware still has USB 1.1 interfaces. This, and the USB latency
issue lead me to discard this.
- 1 Ethernet port is available for most people, but is often in use already.
Still, an extra private ethernet port would be a cheap option.
From a cost perspective an ethernet PHY is still
cheaper than a 1394 PHY.
Still, my preference would be to use 1394.
Inputs - 2-xxx
- analog
- analog + mic preamp (direct or transformer coupled?)
- spdif - 1-x
- word clock
No ADAT or word clock AFAIK on BeBoB.
- main analog out (with volume control)
- 1-xxx headphone outputs (with volume control?)
- spdif - 1-x
- ADAT - 1-x
- word clock
Send/Returns - use normal ins and outs or something special?
Sync - ability to sync to one of the inputs, word clock or internal crystal
I agree with others on this: plenty of cheap boxes out there, so leave it
out (initially).
There must be no limitation on using multiple boxes on
the same
1394/USB bus. We should consider multiple PCs using different boxes
(or even the same box in some limited way) on the same 1394/USB bus.
Are there any sybchronisation standards in this area that could be applied?
61883? MLAN?
For me, augmenting the features in the DigiDesign 002R unit (1394
interface, 1 spdif, 1 ADAT, 8 analog I/O with 4 mic preamps, 48V
condenser power, 1 headphone, up to 96KHz) would be an interesting
place to begin discussion. Alternatively we could do something much
smaller too and think about multiple units to get the I/O count up.
I think it would be wise to go for a modular concept, with a small relatively
inexpensive base board that can be extended (using the 1394/Ethernet port).
Or does such flexibiliy add too much cost?
That's enough to chew on, I think...
The other thing I'd like if it is bus-powered. One less adapter to drag