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On Sun, Jan 07, 2007 at 06:02:01PM +0100, Atte Andr?? Jensen wrote:
Folderol wrote:
It gets nice results but seems a *lot* of effort
to get them.
If you're not used to modular synthesis, yes. Plus don't have a stock of
presets to load...
Also I'm
used to fully polyphonic synths (both hardware & software).
For the record ams is polyphonic, use -p when you start the program
No F'in way.... [looks at man page]... wow, you're right! Dunno how I missed that
when I first read the docs; must have een on info overload mode at the time.
OK now I'm making AMS my main synth. I really like AMS, but what has stopped me from
using it more has been what I thought was a lack of polyphony. With "--poly 6" I
can get some killer pads going here.
>>3) If you ever tried what did you love about it and what did you hate?
>>Did you find user friendly? Did it perform well?
What I love about it is that it sounds a lot like an old modular synth! Works like one
too, with control voltage.
What I also love about it is that every little thing is MIDI controllable. I like to tweak
knobs, and I've got a couple dozen of them on my M-Audio Keystation Pro 88. The MIDI
assignment is pretty straightforward: put it in "follow MIDI mode", tweak a
knob, then assign it to some parameter or another. Other software synths drive me crazy
when I have to sit there with the mouse trying to grab a little circle on a screen...
There are other nice things like the phaser being integrated in as a module. The sample
patches and tutorial are great. It seems like a very deep package.
Not at all user friendly - couldn't find any help information.
This wasn't the purpose of this thread, but for the record there are
included example patches +
>>4) To rephrase 2): If the project was resurrected, what would it take
>>for *you* to start using it.
>Doubtful that I'd be interested actually.
I am using it, and now that I know how to make it polyphonic I will be using it a *lot*
What are the things I'd like to see?
1) Standard keybindings for Load(Open?)/Save/Exit
2) Some way to have multiple patches going simultaneously, and to switch them via MIDI
program changes.
3) Some way to quickly disconnect a module and eliminate all its connections, without
right-clicking on each connection and then the module itself.
4) Did I mention that the right-clicking makes me crazy sometimes. Between AMS and
Rezound I've had more than enough right-clicking. Left clicks would be nicer IMHO,
like Om.
5) The ability to separate the sound engine from the GUI, like Om does.
6) I haven't figured out how to connect the velocity to, say, the attack time of an
envelope. It may be possible already and I just don't know how to do it.
7) Oh, and if I don't have a particular LADSPA module present on my system, it'd
be nice if AMS tried to at least connect the modules that *are* present (I believe Om does
this correctly), instead of just giving up and connecting nothing at all.
BTW, I have a dream of taking something like Om/Ingen, or a headless client/server version
of AMS, and running it on a Linksys box with OpenWRT and a USB audio interface-- connected
to a USB keyboard like the Keystation, and playing live with it. A $100 modular
synthesizer module that fits in your pocket.... that'd rule...
Fair enough!
<snip>I'm interested in helping with
bringing it to a state where it's a bit more usable...
Kudos to you if you do, but personally I'd be more interested in (what
you're already doing with) ZynAddSubFX :)
Well, first ams and zyn are quite different and would make a great
combo. Secondly it seems that zyn has problems that go so deep a
complete rewrite is needed for it to perform well in a jack/low
latency/realtime environment. And such a rewrite is totally out of my
league + the people that IMO could take on such a task choose not to,
probably because of the size of the task...
Ah, thanks! That'd explain why one of my songs that has a Zyn pad in it was causing
massive Xruns. I will avoid Zyn from here on.
This means that I (put harshly) have to consider zyn dying, whereas to
me ams is more in hibernation...
And I hope it comes out of hibernation soon...
- -ken
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