On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 09:45:20 +0000 (GMT)
go music <goemusic(a)yahoo.fr> wrote:
I just built the latest zynjacku-4 tarball. I have python-2.6 here.
It configured and compiled straight through, great. Plugin lists are
showing up OK, and at least calf and synth plugins can be loaded in
zynjacku and lv2rack as well. However it fails to construct the GUIs
(making it unusable) and spits out the liblrdf (v. 0.4.0 here) error
that others mentioned before. Is this python-2.6 related or do others
have the same thing with python-2.5 as well? Thanks for your help
Cheers Frank
Hi Frank.
I have Python 2.6.1 and it works fine. I also have the same liblrdf
pygtk 2.13.0
gtk 1.2.10
I don't know what the problem is but I hope this info helps a bit.
From what I heard the liblrdf error will be fixed in the next version
and it doesn't really hurt.