Hi Russell,
I'm just getting in from a long day of work and read
your letter. Thank you for the reply. My enthusiasm
and appreciation for all things Linux audio is not
going to change at all. Well, I don't want to talk
about my position right now.
I'm sorry to hear about the car accident. I hope you
and your family are OK given the circumstances. I know
there isn't anything I can say to comfort you except
that I always read your posts on this list and
appreciate your contribution.
--- Russell Hanaghan <hanaghan(a)starband.net> wrote:
R Parker wrote:
Hi Paul,
Before I say anything depressing and express my
frustration, please take to heart how much I
appreciate what you're doing. Ardour is an
accomplishment and I view it as an enourmous act
I know you're trying to release 1.0 and start the
GKT2.0 port at the new year. I have had enough
problems with Ardour that I don't see how
possible. Maybe my perspective is very narrow and I
can't see beyound the issues that I run into. It's
just that I keep running into problems that are
intolerable to most guys like me (pro engineers).
I have to share a personal frustration with you
affects my attitude for trying to help with
Because I am not a developer nobody will ever know
that I have made a contribution. I feel
overlooked or unappreciated. How can I say that
everytime an issue arises you're there to
If a developer contributes a couple bug fixes, that
person recieves recognition by being listed in the
developers section of the About dialog. Yet their
effort seems miniscule when compared to mine. The
I read this is if you're not a developer, then
Ardour world you're nobody. I don't know
if there's
any other way to interpret this. From my
it seems accurate. Ultimately the result is a loss
I'm glad Doug, aka Nostar, is around these days
because Ardour needs someone to discover, report
request fixes.
Maybe your reaction to this letter is "go blow
yourself." Given what I imagine to be your own
frustrations, I sure wouldn't blame you for
that way.
There's a couple more things I want to say to
my appreciation but I have to start my day.
Do you Yahoo!?
All your favorites on one personal page � Try My
Not to make light of this...clearly you have
If Paul's response was indeed "go blow yourself", I
for one would think
the execution of that act alone would warrant
noteworthy mention! And
photographs??? :) Apart from that I will not speak
for an individual
whom is totally capable of responding himself...
I also saw your name mentioned on the
contributors page in a
very favorable light; I'm not a pro audio engineer
for revenue purposes
but I do let folks know when I think somethings
broke! And MY name is
not mentioned anywhere?? Is the magnitude of
importance of a
"Professional engineer" in this development stage of
Ardour THAT much
more important than say ...just us little people
that use it in live
performance settings for example? And additonally, I
had not a clue who
you where or what you did. In my mind, that mention
put you on my
map...for whatever thats worth. ( I may get a
Million dollar grant one
day and ask you to spend it all on recording with
Ardour....you don't
ever know)
I have always considered your comments and
contributions here worthwhile
and credible and your demeanor appears professional
at the least...this,
and forgive me if I misunderstand...I have just
dealt with a major
vehicle accident in the family and been up all
night...seems to detract
from that status...it is not my intent to judge.
Again, I am reminded of the awesome differences in
Open source vs
others. Here, because no ones getting paid, there is
no "you owe me pay
up son bitch" teeth to any circumstance so
participants must deal
diplomatically....sort of the United Nations of
software if you will. :)
Now it has been said the United Nations is next to
whatever. I don't think so. Why?? Because EVERYONES
opinion should be
considered important at some level so long as it's
relevant to the topic
at hand.
Just food for thought. I'm going to bed!!!
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