Cesare Marilungo wrote:
I just posted a brief tutorial on my blog on this
topic, covering
Csound, SuperCollider and Chuck. If you're interested, please check it
out and send some feedback:
Csound includes integral GUI widget opcodes (FLTK-dependent) to enable
the more-or-less easy construction of user-interfaces for your synths.
Some remarkable examples already exist, see
http://www.csounds.com for
Csound also now has an API, so you can create standalone synthesizers
that can access the incredible wealth of Csound's synthesis primitives,
signal processors, MIDI opcodes, and so forth. Very cool, very new, not
very well-exploited yet.
And for those who care, Csound is far more 64-bit friendly than either
SC3 or ChucK (both of which are nice, but they have troubles with 64-bit