Hi Mark -
If you do go ftp, there is also the Redhat "mouse-click-only" method
(this is on the server end):
- Grab a pure-ftpd rpm and install it.
- Go to "System Settings->Server Settings->Services", and...
- Start pure-ftpd by selecting it and clicking, you guessed it,
You are now serving ftp from your planet box (planetoid) on port 21.
Just open the firewall to FTP in "System Settings->Security Level".
Dump away with gFTP or another. Note: You may need to turn off
"Passive file transfer" in the gFTP "FTP->Options" in order to
On the other hand, SSH is likely already running and open (and
secure!), though the copy will be slower. gFTP will do ssh too, as
scp [-r] MY_10GB_OF_STUFF user@remote.box:/remote/dir
The -r is for recursive copying.
--- Robert Jonsson <robert.jonsson(a)dataductus.se> wrote:
If this is a one-time move, which I suspect it is. Then ftp is by far
easiest way.
If there are no ftp-servers running on your machines(this will be
self evident
when you try to connect from the other machine), they are probably
preinstalled, start it via the appropriate /etc/init.d/<script> and
then run
an ftp client from the other machine. gftp seems to come with many
distributions, plain ftp in a console works also (should always be
torsdagen den 30 oktober 2003 04.46 skrev Mark Knecht:
I've got two Linux boxes, one Gentoo and the other PlanetCCRMA.
need to move about 10GB of data from one to the
other. How can I do
this? I guess that over Ethernet maybe Samba or NFS might work? I
know anything about making either of these
technologies work, and
obviously I don't want to start building kernels or anything like
to get there.
Has anyone got a tutorial on how to do this easily. I really
want to become an IT guy to make this work.
If it's too difficult, then I could dig up and add a 1394
adapter to
one box and dump it to the other that way. The
second machine has
already. I just didn't want to open the box
up and mess with cards.
Thanks very super much in advance,
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