Hi Dan,
I have no plans to add other formats at this time, sorry. Mostly,
because I wouldn't know where to begin, honestly, I wrote it initially
as a stand alone function to go into Mixer4. I am interested in
integrating it with Jack at some point. And, it will be quite easy to
add a looping function.
On Fri, 5 Oct 2012 13:41:35 +0100
Dan MacDonald <allcoms(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Grekim!
On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 5:56 PM, Grekim Jennings
<grekimj(a)acousticrefuge.com> wrote:
In case you missed it in LAA and have any
I am excited to announce the release of Mixer4 v 1.08 and Waveplayer
Waveplayer is a lightweight (16 KB in size) console-based .wav
player using ALSA. It allows you to choose start and stop playback
points, and repeat playback or editing of those points.
I'm quite interested in waveplayer although I admit I've not tried it
yet as it doesn't sound like it quite fills my needs just yet.
Up until recently my main player has been moc but I've been having
numerous issues with it under Wheezy recently so I've switched to
Audacious but Audacious doesn't auto-detect ALSA/JACK/PA and I don't
really need a X11 UI - curses/text is good enough and preferred by me.
I've tried cmus but didn't like it.
So, is waveplayer going to remain just a wav player or might you
expand it to play wav, FLAC, ogg and MP3 (I need all 4 as a bare
minimum) and hopefully add sound system auto-detection too?
Does anyone know of any existing alternatives to moc that do all this?
I really don't need any other features from a audio player.