Hey hey,
since I've started with WONDER, I found that the documentation covers all OSC
commands and config formats, but there's not much explanation of the OSC
commands. In many cases the commands are self explanatory, but in some
instances, I need clarification.
What does the source/angle command affect?
Is there any way to affect the z component of an audio source?
What does the rotationDirection do?
I haven't heard any effect from the rendering of the room/polygon. Does it
only render the original room, h0104 and fail on other specs?
Finally in the speakers config file I am confused. Specifying a positve
y-coordinate places the speaker behind the listener? So the normaly (normal
vector component) has to be negative in that instance?
If any one can answer all or any of these: you can be assured of my gratitude!
* Internet: