Hi Atte,
Julien Claassen wrote:
... The only thing, and that is only something
personal, is, that I dislike the snare-sound. Well the sound, that in a real
drumkit would have translated as snare.
I agree with Julien's criticism. The song is fun, but those electro-drum
sounds grate on my nerves. They always have, I've never had a taste for
that sound.
Some very good chord progressions! I love
especially the chorus or bridge
part. Don't know, where it fits in your songstructure. I guess it's a chorus.
Excellent chord structure, some surprising changes in there. You have a
good feeling for harmony.
The voice effect sounds very late 90s early 2000s.
Pitty you didn't let up
on it once. That would have set some accentuations.
Again I agree with Julien on this point. Of course the matter is one of
personal taste. I happen to prefer a relatively un-effected voice,
especially a voice as good as your singer's.
Overall this one sounds like an experiment with a new approach to
production. Keep at it, we're listening. :)
As always, thanks for sharing your fine work.