To answer myself for archive, since I got some spare time to experiment:
summary :
From specification of Bluetooth 4.0, only one audio
connection (known as
profile) can be achieved from one sender, so there might be
BT-adapter or cards
which can handle more, but the Bluez implementation does not implement this,
rumours are there OS-X bluetooth stack did.
The solution on Linux is to add one BT-Adapter for each speaker to be
addressed, (adding some EUR 5.- to the EUR 5.70 of the receiver board), but
additional tests have to be done.
Anyhow maybe wait until devices with BT 5.0 broadcast will appear on the
Addendum to Ralf questions:
For my application: inspired by Acousmatics (Akusmonium) speakers have to
sound different, so classical situation is playing one radiophone source (Mono
or stereo) to multiple speakers and controlling them live or automated.
Therefore a special mixer (done with Pd) has 2 Ins and multichannel out, where
each out channel has EQ, Delay, etc... to be controlled and adapted (I do it
mostly by hearing). A measurement tool can propose the delays of each out
channel, combining streaming via ethernet, wifi, bluetooth and soundcard,
everything within 30ms (equal ~10m distance of speaker) is fine, if roughly
constant..., (I know stereo means to respect interaural time differences 0.5
ms but thats moving the head 15cm)
Anyhow BT is really not the first choice and try to avoid, but an addition if
winfried ritsch
Thursday Winfried Ritsch
Thanks for the answers.
The question was about using bluetooth audio and linux experiences.
The main question was, how can I play multiple BT receiver from a linux
machine. Anybody done this ?
On my further research BT-audio is not multicast per se and so I asume the
sender have to manage many connection in parallel, MacOS-X user reported
sucess, so I thought linux can do also but it didnt find a solution until
now, ... maybe many dongles.
Thursday Ralf Mardorf:
You want to send digital audio signals to at least two
receivers. The
two audio signals belong to the same sound source e.g. left and right
channel or just one channel, but still send to 2 receivers. Assumed you
should solve the issue of your request, then how would you sync the
audio signal of the two receivers?
Wednesday Ralf Mardorf:
On Wed, 16 Aug 2017 12:32:55 -0700 (PDT), Len Ovens
I think if it was me and I had to use separate
lines for left and
right, I would choose mono and add speakers as needed to cover the
area. (stereo in a live crowd situation is over rated anyway :)
it doesn't matter if "stereo in a live crowd situation" should or
shouldn't be over rated. I agree that mono usually should be good
enough, but OTOH you still need to care about time differences when
using more than one mono speaker, if you e.g. care about good audio
quality for music or an easy to understand talker. A "sound
installation" might be based on strong stereo usage, but not
necessarily require good sync for the 2 channels. IOW mono might render
it useless, if it should be important that the duck is quacking 10
seconds from the right side only and after that 10 seconds from the
left side only ;), so sync would be completely irrelevant.
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- ao.Univ.Prof. DI Winfried Ritsch
- ritsch(a)iem.at -
- Institut of Elektronic Music and Acoustics
- University of Music and Dramatic Art Graz
- Tel. ++43-316-389-3510 (3170) Fax ++43-316-389-3171