On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 06:32:39PM -0700, October wrote:
Finally decided to swap out my SB Live! Platinum for
an M-Audio Delta 44.
The hardware installation is no problem as I built
this machine myself in the first place... It's more
the software. I'm running Demudi 1.2.1 and am
wondering what sort of hoops I might have to jump
through to get the proper drivers up and running.
Will it be as simple as powering down, swapping cards,
powering back up and seeing it autodetected?
Not sure exactly how demudi handles it, but the driver for the card is
Any tricks, tips, things to look out for?
Also I remember reading about some sort of mixer
specifically for these cards but can't seem to find
it. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
It's in the alsa-tools package.
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki | Systems Administrator
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