On Thu, 2011-01-06 at 17:01 +0100, headless wrote:
I know there is audio to midi conversion in some programms like
Rakarrack or zita-at, but its not possible to feed the midi to other
apps, right? I just need a tool that analyse the audio coming in (eg
whistle, dont have to be to complicated) and throws out midi over alsa-
or jack-midi. Is there something like this?
Rakarrack can definitely do this -- just enable the appropriate options
in the GUI, up in the top right, and it'll output MIDI notes via an ALSA
MIDI port. I've successfully used this in the past to trigger a MIDI
synth by singing in to a mic.
One thing that has to be said about Rakarrack's audio-to-MIDI converter
is that it can have some trouble when the timbre and pitch of the sound
are jumping around a bit, as they often do with voice. I tried putting
the zita-at1 autotuner on my incoming voice *before* sending it to
Rakarrack for MIDI conversion, and I think that helped, but I didn't
play around with it for long enough to draw any definite conclusions on
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