Robin Gareus wrote:
@Joern: is there a deadline you need to meet (get sth
quick with
mplayer) or is there time for proper open-source devel? video-jack might
be worth waiting for!
no. currently i'm running this show with two dvd players, two md players
and a winxp machine that runs arkaos (a cue player that would suck even
if it ran natively on linux), all piped into a video scaler
matrix and a yamaha 01v96... works nicely, but a bit bulky for my taste...
maybe the ardour punch-in/out and location marker
concept can be
extended in a suitable way..
nothing against ardour, it's absolutely great. but we are talking about
situations where customers get really really pissed when things go awry
and i would hate to see a crash during a show due to a bug in a feature
i don't need - hence, i'm looking for a somewhat minimalistic solution
that will "just work" for very large values of "work".
How do you prepare the show? do you edit audio/video
or only arrange the
live performance automation?
no interactivity is required during the show except for the manual
triggering of playback on cue.
I guess you want to have a simple video-player or
-timeline to preview
and define sync points in the video source first. Then assign those
clips to different triggers, events or sequence some of them.
the global sync source in this scenario is a carbon-based biped (i.e.,
me). not even a timeline...
A theater installation might need more than one
eg. some audio keeps running continuously, some audio is sync to video,
some extra sound-effects,. I not sure if ardour is suited for that.
most theater installations will gladly trade hours of painful
pre-production for maximum reliability and simplicity during the show.
for productions that use it, syncing to external timecode might be
interesting, but it's not yet very common (except for driving fireworks
or other extremely complicated events with critical timing).
To complicate it even more there's (the
QT light controller -
i've never used it)- it can be controlled by Midi ! dunno about OSC or
jack-transport. sure sth that will come in handy for live theater! but
that would place an ardour-midi-light-automations-track on the feature
request list :-) seriously, let's postpone that!
yes, please :)