On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 04:42:27PM +0200, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Atte_Andr=E9_Jensen_ wrote:
Ken Restivo wrote:
The Rhodes is a fluidsynth through ecasound for
some LADSPA lovin'
(mostly CAPS Amp, and the TAP AutoPanner that distresses so many
The B3 is AZR3-JACK package from Lars Luthman.
I'm pretty sure I played some async and PADSynth WhySynth patches,
and AMS as well, and a Steinway soundfont in fluidsynth.
How do you manage this setup live, for instance how do you quickly
switch between sounds? How do you manage volume? Splits?
The Unix way, with a patchwork of little daemons and scripts and utilities, glued together
with bash.
The splitter is here:
And some more of the utilities I've written are here:
Although there are a bunch that I haven't posted because they're probably too
custom to be of use to anyone else.
Basically, I patch my MIDI controller into that splitter daemon I wrote, and from there it
goes to the various synths. I have some of the rotary controllers on the keyboard mapped
to CC's that let me direct the upper or lower notes to different channels, adjust the
split point, adjust the volume levels of the reverb, etc.
It is not perfect but it's set up pretty well for that particular live project.
I'm in the process of setting up a new set of controller mappings for doing solo live
looper stuff.