Robert Jonsson wrote:
The music threads seems to have died of for the
we can't have that can we? :)
Yer right, can't have that.
I've uploaded some more music at:
I guess it would suffice to say that I lack direction ;-P ...
Last added are (as the dates suggest):
Last Warning - A short techno tune
Make it another day - Strange, slow guitar rock
Dawn in Paradise, Some kind of slow motion's just music
All was done with MusE + various other softwares, Jamin etc.
Hope you like them!
Good stuff Robert and thanks for the link. A suggestion
if you don't mind... if you set up your music also as
m3u files then some of us with broadband could stream
them as well. I use this simple script to create m3u's...
# cat mkm3u
[ "x$1" = "x" ] && echo "Please provide base URL for
ogg/mp3" && exit 1
for i in $(find -name "*.mp3" -o -name "*.ogg" | cut -b 3-)
echo "$1/$i" > $i.m3u
and then you could simply cat all the *.m3u's together
to a file called something like All.m3u and you have
your own streaming show!