I am new to this list, but absolutly not new to midi. I have a demundi
installation on my computer and I like to make some arrangements for
choirs. With windows there are two programms which can play midis in
swing rhythm (as far as I know): Finale ( $ ) and anvilstudio
(free/shareware). I used the later, but unfortunately itwas/is buggy and
I lost often files after hours of work :-(. On the other hand it was the
software which without its bugs would fullfill my needs quite good.
So now I am with linux and looking around ( I began nearly one year ago
! ) for software fullfilling my needs. And there are two diffrent
problems which havew to be resolved.
1) playing in swing rhythm while composing without the need to note swing
2) a sofisticated midi player for exercises and rehearsal
To 1)
What software does the trick now? I have heard that rosegarden4 (newest
cvs?) has some swing support. If so, does someone know how it is used,
what it does?
Whats about brahms or muse_score? As there are no debian packages out
there and as I have never compiled a single package I would like to know
whether or not one of these programms would fullfill my needs?
Which other software can you recommand?
To 2)
There are many midi players out there which do more or less all the
same. Having one of them, you can throw away the rest. But there seems
to be no application which really deals with the possibilities of midis
for rehearsal purposes. And sequenzers will never be focused on playing.
Therefore I am looking for a project in development which aims to a
player only application, but a soffisticated one? I have my ideas quite
clear and I know how much one could learn with an application like the
one proposed and searched by me.
Should I better ask in the developement section?
Greetings from Germany
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