Denis de Leeuw Duarte wrote:
"State" means the current mixer settings, but the Quattro doesn't have
mixer elements. The message is misleading in this case.
Ah thanks! Well it is working now!!!! I've been struggling with this
device for a week. First I had to return it to the store because they
gave me the wrong power supply and probably a defective unit. I'm very
glad it works now. Except for the fact that I can't use the device as a
normal user (and yes I am in the audio group) but this is probably so
trivial I won't bother you with it (yet;-)
after you've modprobed you'll need to do
chmod a+rwx /dev/dsp /dev/mixer /dev/sequencer /dev/midi
i find i need to do this manually each time (okay i could add it to my
startup scripts but i prefer the control of doing it by hand each time...)
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