Greetings to the Audio-User list. I'm mainly using FC1 & FC2. Music apps from
planetccrma. Soundcard is Audigy2 soundblaster using the emu10k1 driver. Alsa
I think is now 1.0.9.
I have awesfx installed and can install the soundfont from my Audigy card ok
from the CLI. I can also start Rosegarden which I have configured to load the
sound font from its path to /home/user/ <soundfont> and the font loads ok. If
I want to use Kmid I can either load the soundfont on the CLI or start and
then stop Rosegarden before opening Kmid to play a .midi file. Ideally, I'd
like the sound font to be loaded at boot-up. Anyone got any suggestions? It's
no big deal to load it each time you boot, but would be nicer if would
install automatically when you bootup. The soundfont is in /home/user.
Sfxload is in /usr/bin. "You can load a default Sound Font Bank
automatically with installing
the module. Just append a line like
post-install sound /usr/bin/sfxload synthgm.sbk
to your /etc/conf.modules file."
That bit in the quotes was from Marcus Brinkmanns HOW-TO but is a bit
old,using kernel 2.0. Anyone who's got sfxload to auto load a soundfont
please reply. Nigel.
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