On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 12:43:09AM +0200, Jody wrote:
jason kahn a écrit :
i recently installed debian sarge 3.1 on my apple g4 titanium powerbook
(1 ghz processor).
i can't get sound to work. i installed the alsa mixer but this doesn't
work, either.
any help greatly appreciated.
best regards
jason kahn
Did you try alsaconf?
alsaconf should work, and select the snd-powermac module. If it doesn't
run 'modprobe snd-powermac' by hand.
Use alsamixer to unmute master, and turn up the DRC range.
I don't know about g4 but could you post the
output of lspci ?
It's not a pci soundcard. It has a chip hanging off the southbridge.
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