On Sat, Aug 13, 2005 at 05:37:46PM +0200, Arnold Krille wrote:
Hi all,
I finally got around lurking into pd the last evenings. Cool stuff,
nevertheless I have some questions:
* Why does pd support alsa/jack/oss for audio but only oss for midi?
Or is something wrong with my install (gentoo)?
pd has supported ALSA for midi for maybe 6-9 mnths or more. the problem is proably a
combination of the gentoo ebuild being out of date, and the original author of PD sort of
maintaining his own branch seperate from other deevelopers., try cvs -d
:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/pure-data co -r devel_0_39 pd and you should get
one with ALSA midi...
* Is anyone interested in a bassline-sequencer which changes the notes
Probably I will have more questions as my journeys advance...
Wenn man mit Raubkopien Bands wie Brosis oder Britney Spears wirklich
verhindern k?nnte, w?rde ich mir noch heute einen Stapel Brenner und
einen Sack Rohlinge kaufen.