On Monday 18 October 2004 06:15, Alejandro Lopez wrote:
I've opened a MIDI file under MusE as well as
Rosegarden. Both seem to think they are playing it (no error
will show up and the screen gets updated) but no sound comes
out. Being a moron as for Linux, I need to learn some things
from you guys in order to start troubleshooting.
I'm running rh9 planetccrma but I think this might work for
your troubleshooting. Try (from my rh9commandsdused.txt file):
[marv@localhost marv]$ aplaymidi --port=65:0 yourmidifile.mic
If that doesn't work (or to just see the doc's), try:
[marv@localhost marv]$ aplaymidi -h
Usage: aplaymidi -p client:port[,...] [-d delay] midifile ...
-h, --help this help
-V, --version print current version
-l, --list list all possible output ports
-p, --port=client:port,... set port(s) to play to
-d, --delay=seconds delay after song ends
[marv@localhost marv]$ aplaymidi -l
Port Client name Port name
64:0 EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART) - Rawmidi EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)
65:0 Emu10k1 WaveTable Emu10k1 Port 0
65:1 Emu10k1 WaveTable Emu10k1 Port 1
65:2 Emu10k1 WaveTable Emu10k1 Port 2
65:3 Emu10k1 WaveTable Emu10k1 Port 3
128:0 QAMix qamix
1. When I run an application from the command line
than from the desktop menu), I get lots of potentially useful
messages. I'd love to have a look at the ones from rosegarden4
but only part seem to be printed to stdout, so if I redirect
to a file using "rosegarden4 > file.text" I'm still missing
the majority of messages. I've been looking for any text file
where these messages could be written but I can't find it
(I've pushed my "find" and "grep" knowledge beyond limits
now). Any advice? I'd like to check for silly things like the
sequencer not getting the permission needed to open the
soundcard and stuff like that.
Maybe the aplaymidi -l will tell you about the ports you have
(or don't have) available. If the card is a wavetable type card
you have to load a soundfont; I use the command sfxload.
sfxload --volume=100 audiovideo/FluidR3_20GM.SF2
see man sfxload for other options.
I'm still learning how to "see" or capture error messages myself.
Can't give much advice, but have found the following useful
for capturing man pages:
[marv@localhost marv]$man XF86Config | col -b > XF86Config.mantxt
Helpful for me to remember which commands I'm needing.
With rosegarden4, are you starting it from a terminal window? If
so do you see the messages there? There is no man page on my
system for rosegarden or rosegarden4, but doing a commandline,
[marv@localhost marv]$ rosegarden --help
Usage: rosegarden [Qt-options] [KDE-options] [options] [File]
Rosegarden - A sequencer and musical notation editor
Generic options:
--help Show help about options
--help-qt Show Qt specific options
--help-kde Show KDE specific options
--help-all Show all options
--author Show author information
-v, --version Show version information
--license Show license information
-- End of options
--nosequencer Don't use the sequencer (support editing only)
--nosplash Don't show the splash screen
--nofork Don't automatically run in the background
--existingsequencer Attach to a running sequencer process, if found
File file to open
The thing is: both sequencers list my
soundcard as the MIDI out where the music is being routed to,
but they don't specify wether that is actually a synth or an
external connection. Any tips?
3. Last thing I suspect is maybe the synth is getting the
messages and generating the sounds and it's just me failing to
turn it up? I've tried a couple of "soundcard mixers"
including the ALSA mixer, another (similar) one (can't
remember name), plus the built-in "MIDI mixer" each sequencer
has; no joy. The thing I find a bit suspicious is that the
soundcard mixers don't have a synth slide. They have slides
for mic in, aux, wave and several others (all of them are now
selected just in case) but not for the internal synth.
With my soundcard and both QAmix and alsamixer, the volume of
synth play is controled by both the "pcm" and the "music"
sliders. In QAmix both are on the Playback tab.
Hope this helps,