On Sun, 2012-02-26 at 06:03 +0100, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
Celejar wrote:
stuff is rather old by now.
Fair enough - I'm just saying that perhaps we shouldn't go around
saying that linux support for Intel is perfect, when Debian stable is
shipping badly broken software for mature and not obsolete hardware.
Well, this is the way the debian release cycle works. If you want a
distro with a fixed six month release period, then you may be better
off with ubuntu. In case you just need more recent versions of stuff,
there is always testing, which is not as fragile as it sounds.
Again, read
http://lists.linuxaudio.org/pipermail/linux-audio-user/2012-February/date.h… , thread
"Linux 3.2.0-rt Kernels on Debian Repos!".
What Debian should we install, to get a working system?
Go with stable if you use NVIDIA, you are an idiot if you use NVIDIA,
use Intel and install Debian, but not stable :D???
Cool! I dropped my Debian install for other reasons.
- Ralf