Hey Julien,
On Friday 21 September 2012, Julien Claassen wrote:
Hello mates!
I've already lookd elsewhere. My MP3 player broke, but since I travel so
much I'm really attached to it. Now I'm blind and thus hate displays by
nature. I also dislike menus a lot, since you so easily get lost in them. I
had a Creative Zenstone (one of the old models) so far. What I could do and
am very attached to:
increase/decrease volume
previous/next track
forward/rewind (could ease up on that)
next folder
It had a random function, but that might have gone rusty, I wouldn't
know. any idea, if anything like that is still made nowadays? Sorry, to ask
here, but it seems, that the typical shop assistent is more than
overwhelmed by such demands, I had the feeling sometimes also by the name
of these basic functionalities.
Oh yes, the last great feature; Hook it up to the computer via USB,
mount it, copy files onto it and unmount it, done. Do it on Linux, Mac,
windows or anywhere else and it just works(TM).
Thanks for suggestions. I've heard Sony ic recorders, but they don't
look really promising and something with menus, but with a small firmwware
hack to make it talk, though I'm not too sure yet about it's compatibility
with all systems or even any other computer than my own, if I want to keep
it accessible to me.
Kind regards and thanks
like others and you already remarked, Rockbox seems the way to go. I am very
happy with the Sansa players especially the older Sansa e200 or the slightly
newer Sansa Fuze. They especially have a slot for micro sd cards so you can
easily extend internal memory.
Don't know if they are still available in the shops but they are very cheap at
ebay (about 40 €). You can even buy them with Rockbox pre-installed.