On Mon, 2007-09-17 at 19:42 -0500, Thomas Vecchione wrote:
On 9/16/07, Michael TD Nelson <m_nels(a)gmx.net>
Following Ken Restivo's recent post linking to some youtube
videos, I'd
like to get some audio output from Firefox's Flash plugin.
I mostly use JACK; is there any hope of getting it to work
with JACK?
Nope. The ALSA-Jack Plugin seems to not agree with it and it crashes
firefox anytime I go to a site with audio. If I am lucky it crashes
it before outputting LOTS of LOUD audio into my monitors.
not, maybe some sort of desktop sound mixer that uses ALSA?
Don't know of one that would do what I _think_ you are looking for
myself, course that doesn't say much in the Linux world;)
Ok. There probably isn't anything appropriate. I've been away from Linux
audio for eighteen months or so, but I seem to remember some discussion
about this some time ago.
Basically, I'd like to use Jack on my 'proper' soundcards - which are
all second-hand RME Digis. I'd be happy if all of my desktop noises -
sound effects, browser audio, that sort of thing could either be (mixed
and) routed to a pair of Jack inputs, or straight to the onboard card.
I'd like basic audio to play transparently (to a non-skilled user) over
a second pair of speakers. That way, other people can use my machine to
browse the web, and do all their usual things. They wouldn't have a
reason to moan about me not running Windows, and they wouldn't risk
damaging my monitors...
Maybe an appropriate setup for me in the long-term would be to
use the
onboard soundcard for general desktop sound (using some sort
of simple
sound mixer?) and JACK with one (or more) of my RME cards for
That is going to be my next move in fact, I will be routing the
internal sound into the line ins on my RME, and using its mixer to
route that to the appropriate output for my DA. Should work fine as
long as you set the onboard to the alsa default card, and specify in
qjackctl to use the RME.
That could be what I should do. I still need to get the 'general
purpose' audio working properly though.
I am trying out various desktop environments and window
managers at the
moment, and haven't settled on anything yet. Maybe I will use
KDE or
GNOME when I want to use my machine as a general purpose
and something like fluxbox for audio.
Side Note: Try out e17.
I *did* try it out - back in the days of my old faithful PIII 700 box.
Thanks for reminding me again. At the moment, I've got KDE, Gnome,
Beryl, fluxbox, blackbox, Icmwm, Ratpoison, and wmx installed. I'm
leaning towards fluxbox for most stuff at the moment. e17 is next to be
added to the list... Does anyone have any other suggestions, please?