Sampo Savolainen hat gesagt: // Sampo Savolainen wrote:
Does anyone have experience controlling Ardour with an
physical daw
controller? I'm looking into either midi or usb devices.
Ardour doesn't (yet) support USB devices directly. I should file a
Mantis feature wish for that, because things like the Powermate or the
Shuttle Xpress, which I own, would make a great addition. Ardour does
however support Midi controllers (including of course USB-Midi devices
via ALSA). You could get the USB-HID devices to work with Ardour by
using Pd and the "linuxevent" external (plugin) for Pd, then let Pd
convert this to midi output that you can feed over a virmidi card
usign aconnect to Ardour. Sounds complicated, but isn't actually.
Optimal would be a small USB controller, with maybe 4
sliders, a wheel and transport control. I would prefer not paying for
audio features, but it would be nice if the controller would double as a
midi interface.
I don't know any USB midi controller with just 4 sliders, let alone an
added wheel inclusive. But with the mentioned Shuttle Xpress, which
isn't that expensive (~ 60 $/EUR) you'd get shuttle/jog wheel and 5
extra buttons. I still have problems using mine with my VIA board, but
it works fine on my Intel-based laptop.
Or go directly with something like the Evolution UC33, which is very
cool if you need some more sliders, buttons and knobs. Being a buff of
that stuff, I use this as well. And of course gampads - you just gotta
love USB. ;)
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__