Hi, Thomas:
thomas charbonnel writes:
Janina Sajka wrote :
Well, unfortunately I'm not seeing a change
yet on my Opteron box using
the PCI interface card.
Firmware loading still requiring hdsploader, even thgouh hotplug is
Hi Janina,
This can happen if you compiled the driver in kernel and hotplug (which
is userspace) is not available when the card is initialized. I'm working
on a more robust solution to this problem at the moment.
I take this statement back. I've recompiled alsa-driver-1.0.9RC1 and can
now restart alsa using using the old CCRMA script in /etc/init.d and it
DOES get the hdsp firmware loaded, despite the error. Very nice.
#service alsasound restart
Shutting down sound driver [ OK ]
Starting sound driver snd-hdsp [ OK ]
Starting sound driver snd-hdsp [ OK ]
Starting sequencer [ OK ]
Starting sequencer driver snd-seq-midi [ OK ]
Restoring sound driver settings /usr/sbin/alsactl: load_state:1272: No
soundcards found...
Running hdspmixer resets levels OK.
Also, I'm unable to dmix, or alsamixer.
Dmix should work, please report this to alsa-devel.
OK. I think my hesitancy is about whether I have an appropriate
.asoundrc. So, let me ask more generically. A command like:
aplay -D dmix:SLAVE=\"hw:0,0\",RATE=44100 [file.wav]
should work, yes?
Alsamixer can't be used with the card yet. I have
a plan to make this
possible, but it's not ready yet. In the meantime you can use amixer in
a command-line only environment.
Thank you. I can certainly work with amixer. I appreciate the
consideration, too.
Janina Sajka Phone: +1.202.494.7040
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC
Chair, Accessibility Workgroup Free Standards Group (FSG)
If Linux can't solve your computing problem, you need a different problem.