On Sat, Oct 23, 2004 at 03:52:50 +0100, Nathaniel Virgo wrote:
I was wondering whether anybody has any experience of using gaming
josticks as musical controllers on linux?
Yep, works well. A tip I got from Frank Barknecht is using playstation
controllers, there a good size and have plenty of controls, you can get
USB adaports for them. Resolution on the joystick bits is not great, but
its OK for some things.
Will this actually work? Do all USB joysticks work in
linux? Are
I think so, they all appear to be USB HID devices.
gaming joysticks accurate enough to use as musical
controllers? Which
software supports them? (I know they're supported to some extent in ssm,
galan and pd -- I'll probably end up learning to use pd as I want to be
able to use the fire buttons to do everything from triggering samples to
changing patches and pd seems to offer the most flexibility that way)
Is there any software that supports using two at once or will I need to
do some hacking? Are there any major pitfalls I should look out for?
There is a bit of softwar earound that does USB HID to ALSA MIDI mapping:
- Steve