From: tim hall []
Last Tuesday 13 July 2004 22:44, ricktaylor(a) was like:
:} One file
format to bind them all...
While (other) people are still using IE6, our options will be limited. Some
IE6 is actually a pretty good browser. I like Mozilla better.
form of xml would seem the logical way to go, with a
standard syntax based on
what we already have. It would be nice to be able to realise scores on web
browsers without having to resort to using images. I'm fine with smil... I think it's more appropriate
to what I do. XML is probably just as good...
I really didn't mean to diss traditional notation above. I have all the respect in
the world for it. I do think we need file formats and notation types that are better
suited to computer music and to newer techniques...
:} I'm seeing images as perks.