Gabriel, do you think that instruments.db is included in one of the
.deb's? If so, perhaps if I reinstall the corrrect .deb the problem
will go away, now that I have created the folder it belongs in?
On Tue, 20 Oct 2009, Jonathan E. Brickman wrote:
strong effort at JSampler, then try to compile
LS+QS from source. I am
strongly thinking that the problem has something to do with the fact
that AVLinux is based on Debian Testing, whereas the LS debs are from
Lenny (Stable), which is in some ways quite legacy.
Sounds reasonable that this is the problem. Compiling from source
sounds like a good option. If AVLinux is debian based, you should be
able to:
# apt-get install build-essentials libgig-dev
To get what you need... then:
$ tar xjf linuxsampler-1.0.0.tar.bz2
$ cd linuxsampler-1.0.0
$ fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage
When done, you will have a .deb file to install.