Am 14.03.23 um 11:59 schrieb Jeremy Jongepier:
Hello Hermann,
In the mean time some work have been done on
this. A couple of bugs been
ironed out, and a couple of features been implemented. Also a pre-build
x86-64 linux binary package, ready to copy over to ~/.vst3 is provided
on the project page.
Since Ardour have updated there tool chain (7.3) it also works flawless
in Ardour.
In case you haven't checked it out already, now is a good time to do so.
In case you've some time ago, it's a good time to update.
Got around trying out the plugin. Looks good! How to load your own
presets though? I now edited dirlist.js but that's probably not the
right way I guess. And got Ardour 7.3 to crash a couple of times when
selecting presets :(
Hi Jeremy
Guitarix.vst looks in the same directory as guitarix main for presets,
and they appears in the preset list when found.
You shouldn't edit dirlist.js, this one is only for the included factory
Haven't seen it crashing in Ardour since 7.3, but will make some more
exhaustive tests.