On 02/18/2011 09:44 AM, Gabbe Nord wrote:
Hey guys!
Recently started some form of electroproject in ardour, and as always
sidechaining is needed. Right now I'm routing everything that's to be
sidechained (which is everything but the kick lol) into a 3-channel bus with
a SC3 on connected to the kick. The sidechaining works, but i actually get a
very noticable quality loss and thining of the stereoimage from using the
Is this something you know of, something that can be worked around? Also,
are there other sidechain soloutions? I mean sidechaining like the SC3, a
compressor controlled by for example the kicksignal.
That's weird, I use the same plug-in (but then with Qtractor) but I
don't get the idea that the quality and stereo image are degrading that
much. You could try the Calf compressor, though I couldn't get that one
to fully duck what's coming in.