On Mon, Jan 03, 2011 at 02:12:50PM -0700, Bob van der Poel wrote:
So, I figured I'd script it. Came up with:
echo "Infile:" $1
echo "Outfile:" $2
exec midish -b <<EOF
dnew 0 "20:0" rw # .midishrc not read (-b), so do it here
m off # no metronome
import "$1" # get file to play
inew mykbd {0 0} # register input to record from
onew mypiano {0 0} # register output to route events to
tnew mytrack # create a track
r # play imported and record
for i in [tlist] { # iterate over all tracks
if ($i != mytrack) { # if the track is not ``mytrack''
/bin/sh will replace ``$i'' with it's own value (an empty string), you
have to quote (prefix with ``\'') all ``$'' characters when using
the ``<<'' shell construct
ct $i # set currect track
same here
tdel # delete the current
export "$2" # save buffer as midi file
However, it doesn't work :)
First is that the metronome doesn't shut off.
the ``import'' command creates a new project so it resets all saved
settings, including the metronome state. Moving ``m off'' after the
``import'' statement should disable it.
-- Alexandre