this is of topic.
If things go well, instead of borrowing the guitar
player's Korg
Triton (as I had to do for the last show), I will be playing my new
Linux laptop.
I've seen people mention that the "play" on their laptop many times on
this list, but I've never really understood how they do it? Like that
laptop-battle mentioned some weeks ago. Are you livecoding or looping
with freewheeling, or what? I've seen samples been mentioned. Is there
any documentation on the net? I would love to see how other people do
their music (especially sample-based).
I want to plant a huge Tux sticker right in the center
of the laptop
cover. It's a barebones so it has no markings of its own; I get to put
on my own. I've seen a logo of Tux wearing headphones too, which I'd
like to find.
Try searching for "linux stickers" on google. Also, the spraypainted
two-color tux mentioned in another post seems really cool! I would love
to get one of those when I buy a laptop.