Tristan Koen wrote:
I have an M-Audio Firewire Solo that I use in
conjunction with Ardour
and JACK+freebob for recording purposes. There are times though that I
would find it convenient to route the output of Ardour to ALSA rather
than the firewire device. The setup would ideally look as follows:
Firewire Solo -> Jack+freebob -> Ardour -> ALSA_PCM
I have been tearing my hair out trying to get this setup to work and
have had no success whatsoever. The closest I got was using the
Pulseaudio jack-source-module, but this crashes after a few seconds (on
Ubuntu Hardy + Pulseaudio Jack Plugin from Debian/unstable).
Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated.
To be honest, this is not going to work very well from a "professional
audio quality" point of view. Current jack does not support the use of
multiple backends, and that's not going to change for jack 1.0. For jack
2.0 it will be possible, but that's not for soon.
However it is possible (what isn't?). Start jack the way you normally
do, then launch the "alsa_out" tool installed along with modern jack
installs. It will present your alsa device as a jack client to which you
can connect ardour.
Pieter Palmers