On Thursday 25 November 2004 18:02, Chris Cannam wrote:
> On Wednesday 24 Nov 2004 22:06, Jens M Andreasen wrote:
> > According to my oldish midi-spec, controller (decimal) 120 is
> > undefined, so I was somewhat confused at first when I got it from
> > Rosegarden.
> >
> > A bit of digging shows that it belongs to the (newish?) GS-spec, and
> > means All-Sound-Off (as in 'killall -9')
> Ah, that controller.
> This is what happens when you rely on public interpretations of a
> proprietary spec. Quite a few sources claim this controller _is_ in
> MIDI 1.0, and since most contemporary synths interpret it as expected
> (silencing all notes even if sustain is active), the matter wasn't ever
> really questioned.
Well. Here is an official source that claims that control change 120 is in
MIDI 1.0 (1995 revision). It is not the whole MIDI 1.0 spec, only a summary.
Channel Mode Messages (See also Control Change, above)
1011nnnn 0ccccccc Channel Mode Messages.
0vvvvvvv This the same code as the Control
Change (above), but implements Mode
control and special message by using
reserved controller numbers 120-127.
The commands are:
All Sound Off.
When All Sound Off is received
all oscillators will turn off, and
their volume envelopes are set to
zero as soon as possible.
c = 120, v = 0: All Sound Off
The book "MIDI programmer's handbook", (C) 1989 by DeFuria & Scacciaferro,
does not mention this controller. I guess that ancient MIDI instruments
manufactured before the 1995 revision can't be blamed if they aren't fully
Hello LAD,
New releases of Aeolus and JAAA are available at the usual place :
>From the Aeolus-0.3.1 README :
* Added 'instability'. Each pipe is individually phase modulated
in order to emulate the random fluctuations in a real one. This
provides for a much more natural sound, in particular for long
sustained notes. CPU load has gone up a bit, but not too much.
* New reverb. Comments invited.
* Added stereo position slider. Internally Aeolus uses a full 3-D
sound format (which you can use with the -B, -C 4 or -C 8 options).
The stereo output is derived from a 'virtual stereo microphone'
placed in the 3-D sound field. The apparent position can be set
anywhere between 'back' and 'front'.
* Divisions II and III can now be put at the back.
* Wavetables can now be saved to disk. They will be used when Aeolus
is later started with the same sample frequency and tuning, giving
'immediate satisfaction'.
* New option -W <directory> to select the wavetables loaded on start.
* New default colors, a bit warmer than before.
* Added -name <name> option, this permits multiple instances when running
under JACK.
* New 32" stop. In fact just the Trombone 16 scaled down by one octave
and tweaked a bit, but quite spectacular if your speakers can handle it.
There's also a new demo file, Xmas.ogg (I know it's a bit early :-).
For JAAA-0.1.2 :
* Added -name <name> option, this permits multiple instances when running
under JACK.
Both apps need an update of clxclient.so, version 1.0.1.
Enjoy !
According to my oldish midi-spec, controller (decimal) 120 is undefined,
so I was somewhat confused at first when I got it from Rosegarden.
A bit of digging shows that it belongs to the (newish?) GS-spec, and
means All-Sound-Off (as in 'killall -9')
It is a bit ironical that there is a DX7-plugin for Rosegarden, but the
real-McCoy will leave you hanging with notes forever ... no?
mvh // Jens M Andreasen
PS: There is an Mx41beta.zip with alsa and jack waiting for fearless
beta-testers. Do not hesitate, call now!
Hi list,
This is my first post, apologies if it's not on topic
or obvious, but I was wondering if anyone is aware of
a LADSPA plugin for impulse convolution. The only
thing I have found is Steve Harris's impulse
convolver, which is intended for 'fairly short'
impulses and they need to be compiled in anyway. If
there is nothing out there, I will have a go at this:
just wanted to check first.
Stefan Turner
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> From: Dave Robillard <drobilla(a)connect.carleton.ca>
> Date: 2004/11/23 ti AM 07:58:55 GMT
> To: "The Linux Audio Developers' Mailing List"
> <linux-audio-dev(a)music.columbia.edu>
> Ämne: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Freeverb and default control parameters
> On Sun, 2004-21-11 at 19:50 +0100, Mathias Lundgren wrote:
> > sön 2004-11-21 klockan 17.26 skrev Dave Robillard:
> > > On Sun, 2004-21-11 at 15:21 +0100, Mathias Lundgren wrote:
> > > > Hi!
> > > >
> > > > I've been trying to implement LADSPA send effects in my latest playtoy.
> > > > I've had some problems with freeverb though. It simple doesn't produce
> > > > any output (execution seems to be veeery demanding) until I specifically
> > > > set some of the parameters to non-default values. I thought the default
> > > > port parameters would take care of this, initializing the plugin with
> > > > sane values to avoid things like these, but perhaps I'm doing something
> > > > wrong... Has anyone else noticed anything similar with freeverb?
> > > >
> > > > /Mathias
> > > >
> > >
> > > Are you specifically setting the default values? They're just hints,
> > > the host still has to set them. Plugins don't initialize ports to
> > > default values IIRC, they will be garbage until you set them to
> > > something.
> > >
> > >
> > > -DR-
> >
> > Yes, I'm specifically setting them, with the values provided by the
> > hinst. Using the hint-values, nothing comes out of it and execution is
> > really slow, when using some "personal" values, things mysteriously
> > begin to work.
> >
> > /Mathias
> >
> >
> Looks like the default values for freeverb have both dry and wet gain at
> 0. That would explain it, eh? :)
> -DR-
I guess it might have something to do with the whole thing. And I don't have a problem with a plugin producing no "pluginnish output" when it's launched, using the default values, but... Even though they're merely
hints, the freeverb init-settings (yeah okay, they're not init-settings, but "hints") really aren't nice to the system, and I don't like that.
Y'all aren't the only ones thinking there's an opportunity in the firewire
audio breakout box market:
IF the reports are true--and Appleinsider has a pretty good track
record--this is a pretty good affirmation of opportunity in this market.
Or, at least of apple's attempt to own the market by acccepting a much
lower profit margin.
I would imagine that the more advanced version mentioned--if actually
true--would sport more analog inputs.
now that my audio inteerface is working, I can try the wealth of audio
Starting the SuSE supplied muse (0.7.0) it refuses to start cause it cannot
use /dev/rtc. Since I used the audio group also for providing the realtime
capabilities, I changed the group and mode of /dev/rtc to
crw-rw---- 1 root audio
But then it gives the following error message:
cannot set tick on /dev/rtc: Unpassender IOCTL (I/O-Control)
für das Gerät
precise timer not available
What is missing? Do I have to update the provided muse to a newer version?
I've been trying to implement LADSPA send effects in my latest playtoy.
I've had some problems with freeverb though. It simple doesn't produce
any output (execution seems to be veeery demanding) until I specifically
set some of the parameters to non-default values. I thought the default
port parameters would take care of this, initializing the plugin with
sane values to avoid things like these, but perhaps I'm doing something
wrong... Has anyone else noticed anything similar with freeverb?
Hi all,
a short announcement for those who might plan to do a presentation at the
next Linux Audio Conference in April 2005 in Karlsruhe: The paper templates
for OpenOffice and LaTeX are now available at:
We are a little late with this for which I am sorry, but I hope you were not
blocked in writing your papers. Reminder: The deadline for paper submissions
(as well as music, workshops, project notes, posters) is January 10th, 2005.
For more details about the conference and the calls for paper etc, please
visit the web page at http://www.zkm.de/lac.
Götz Dipper
Matthias Nagorni
Frank Neumann
Hi (Takashi?)!
The OSS emulation in ALSA is slightly wrong regarding number of
requested buffers. To quote from my own "notes to self" from own source:
/** Setting up the soundcard for CD-HiFidelity Stereo
audio.path = "/dev/dsp";
audio.speed = SAMPLERATE;
audio.format = AFMT_S16_LE;
audio.is_stereo = TRUE;
// 3 buffers of 256 bytes == 3 * 64 (16bit) stereo samples
// 0x0002 buffers == n - 1, although Alsa (mis)interpretes oss buffers
// == n!!! Use 0x0003!
// 0008 bytes == log2(number of bytes in buffer), 2^8 == 256 == 64
// stereo samples;
audio.bufsize = 0x00030008;
... so ALSA UNDERSHOOTS the number of buffers BY ONE (which of course
will not work for RT-people on the edge.)
mvh // Jens M andreasen
PS: Thanks to the mdk10.1 beeing distributed on DVD by LinuxFormat this
month, work is ongoing for a clean alsa solution of my handyworks ...