Hi all,
tomorrow it is time again for Creative Music Coding at STEIM, please
join us!
First episode of the new season!
Calling all ChucK’ers, SuperColliders, Max and PureData patchers,
CSounders, Fluxites, Overtoners, and all other tongues of creative
coders. We welcome you to attend the fifth edition of the Creative
Music Coding lab at STEIM.
The CMC lab is an autonomous zone to try out sonic experiments as a
group. And an opportunity to leverage the expertise of the group in
realizing new artistic tools and processes through the medium of code.
Many of the founding members of the group are indeed experts in their
favorite languages, but we come from all technical levels of
proficiency and enjoy helping one-another out.
Date: Tuesday, October 1st
Time: 19:00 h
Venue: Steim, Utrechtsedwarsstraat 134, Amsterdam
Entry: Free
There will be free coffee and tea to fuel the creativity.
Let me know if you plan to attend!
As some of you may recall, every time I've posted a demo video to LAD, I've
had to include a disclaimer excusing the poor quality due to a lack of
functional screencasting tools.
Well, it took a couple of weeks of hair pulling and many, many hours of
testing, but I finally arrived at a solution.
Anyone who wants to create a screencast and record audio via JACK *in
perfect sync* must do the following:
Get ffmpeg. Apply this patch to it:
Build it with vorbis and h264 support.
Then, start your favorite desktop environment. I use Xephyr for this.
Have jack running (at -r 48000)
Then run the following command:
ffmpeg -fflags +genpts+igndts -f x11grab -vsync 0 -r 30 -s 1920x1080 -i
:${DISPLAY}.+0,0 -vcodec h264 -f jack -ac 2 -r:a 48000 -i screencast
-acodec pcm_s16le -r:v 30 -vsync 2 -async 1 -map 0:0,1,0 -map 1:0 -preset
ultrafast -qp 0 "$FILE"
Where DISPLAY is the number of your X11 display and FILE is the filename
for the screencast. I use a .mkv extension for the matroska container.
Remember to connect the streams you want recorded to the 'screencast' JACK
With this setup I'm able to record a full 30 FPS @ 1080P with audio in
perfect sync. Please share your results too. With some more evidence I
might have a good case to get ffmpeg to accept my patch.
Hi there,
Apologies for cross-posting.
We're looking for a Linux embedded coder, preferably in London, for a
short-term optimisation gig on an ARM 8. To start immediately. Salary
depending on experience / delivery.
Let me know if you're interested!
- Optimisation of C++ code to match the target accelerator engine NEON
- Development of a custom shared DSP library based on the NEON instruction
- Excellent understanding of the low level ARM architecture (Vector
floating point unit, SIMD, NEON)
- High proficiency with C/C++, ASM, Unit Testing
- Experience in audio DSP algorithm embedded integration
- High efficiency audio coding experience
- Excellent knowledge of the standard tools such as gcc, gbd
Best regards,
Am Dienstag, den 24.09.2013, 20:11 +0200 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
> Hi :)
> I used the new tar, but next time I can checkout from svn.
> It failed to build again.
> checking for XMLRPC... no
> configure: error: Package requirements (xmlrpc >= 1.32.5) were not met:
> No package 'xmlrpc' found
> Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
> installed software in a non-standard prefix.
> Alternatively, you may set the environment variables XMLRPC_CFLAGS
> and XMLRPC_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
> See the pkg-config man page for more details.
> [rocketmouse@archlinux ags_0.3.99]$ sudo pacman -Q xmlrpc-c
> xmlrpc-c 1:1.33.03-1
> Regards,
> Ralf
alien the package if using debian or derivates.
Is without xmlrpc but has missing bugfixes ...
I'll update github.com repo excluding xmlrpc.
The server isn't started by default and is only a collection of ideas
whereas many skelletons for a XML based scripting client. See for
further details:
Hi, I'm writing a software synth/sequencer called Advanced Gtk+
Sequencer. It won't take much time till first pre-release 0.4.0 I got
basic functions working. Now I'm pleased to ask if someone wants to
contribute. Note pulseaudio interferes with Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer to
achieve best results I even recommend WindowMaker as desktop or any
minimal window manager of your choice.
If your asking yourself how to use Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer please take a
look at a screencast I just made this morning on Google+
The project features a wiki with some programming howtos and explanation
of internals.
Behold the beauty of FOSS !
(A fine example of how it can also be done)
Op 20-sep.-2013 23:46 schreef "Arnold Krille" <arnold(a)arnoldarts.de> het
On Fri, 20 Sep 2013 12:45:45 +0100 Dr Nicholas J Bailey
<nicholas.bailey(a)glasgow.ac.uk> wrote:
> Ha, it seems I submitted news about a fork right into a firestorm!
> Well, I've done it, take it or leave it.
> For the record, I did email Arnold Krille several times without
> getting a reply, which is fine because there isn't a law which says
> he has to answer emails from me.
Mostly due to the fact that I don't answer when there is no time. And
then tend to forget these mails when they drop below the fold...
> Also, the (C) on that software says
> -2007, so I went ahead. It probably wasn't a good time in retrospect.
It was at the best of times! And its not the first fork of JackMix,
but probably the first on github...
> I didn't intend to upset Arnold or anybody else, but the only way I'm
> taking my "fork" off github is if Arnold thinks it's good enough to
> make it mainstream, which would be an honour and a privilege.
The main concern for me is that (if I understand git correctly) its now
not possible for me to import my private subversion history of JackMix
into github and then officially mark yours as the fork... As my vcs was
private all the past time, thats not a big concern.
You could also have given your project a new name. Which is hard when
the good names are all taken...
But seeing as I don't really have time for audio-programming since
quite some years, please continue!
> I still really hope Arnold is going to let me ask him some
> questions about his code!
I don't know if I can answer your questions. As you rightly noticed,
its been some time since I wrote that code.
I would write it differently today (test-driven, gui in python and only
the mixing-engine in C++). I kind of started parts for a rewrite,
there's a mixing-matrix-gui in ffado-mixer thats similar and I have
some local beginnings of a crossbar-router for jack (patchage with rows
and cols instead of a free canvas) with network-transparent separation
of gui and core. But that never really hit of with me due to a lack of
time and need...
Anyway, please remind me to look at your project, create a nice page on
github for it and remind me to set a link to that page on my domain.
I hereby proclaim you the new lead for JackMix!
Have fun,
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
I agree with Nils 100%. Fons mentions the second fork seems to be changing the license. Both situations are ignorant of the spirit of FOSS in my opinion.
If you go commercial let me know. I'll buy everything you make !
Sent from my smartphone.
-------- Original message --------
From: Fons Adriaensen <fons(a)linuxaudio.org>
Date: 19/09/2013 7:16 AM (GMT+10:00)
To: Linux Audio Users <linux-audio-user(a)lists.linuxaudio.org>,Linux Audio Developers <linux-audio-dev(a)lists.linuxaudio.org>
Subject: [LAD] Aeolus
Hello all,
It has come to my attention that there are ATM at least two
'forks' of Aeolus. The first by the MuseScore team, the second
by one Maurizio Gavioli.
Neither of them even had the decency to let me know of their
work, and both are taking Aeolus in a direction I do not
approve of. Gavioli has even added his 'copyright' to the
sources of the libraries that Aeolus depends on but which
are not part of its source distribution. Apparently the
intention is to release incompatible versions of those as
If this is typical for the attitude taken by the Linux Audio
community then my motivation to contribute to it will take
a serious blow.
As announced previously, there will be a fully reworked
release of Aeolus next year (on the occasion of its 10th
birthday). Apart from major improvements to the audio code
it will be completely OSC controlled. None of this will be
compatible with the forks of course, they'll find themselves
instantly obsolete. And I will make sure that this sort of
thing won't happen again, even if that means a more restrictive
A world of exhaustive, reliable metadata would be an utopia.
It's also a pipe-dream, founded on self-delusion, nerd hubris
and hysterically inflated market opportunities. (Cory Doctorow)
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Didn't came through the lists.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Ralf Mardorf
To: linux-audio-user(a)lists.linuxaudio.org, linux-audio-dev
Subject: Re: [LAU] [LAD] Just an information about the state of affairs
- Re: forking (was Re: Aeolus)
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 11:37:48 +0200
On Sun, 2013-09-22 at 11:14 +0200, Felix Homann wrote:
> Fons, I think you should still clarify your position on using your
> code [snip]
In this case I'm on Fons site. He explained it more than one time, so
there isn't the need to repeat it again and again.
There are several mails from Fons similar to the following, explaining
his point of view.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Fons Adriaensen <fons(a)linuxaudio.org>
To: J. Liles <malnourite(a)gmail.com>
Cc: lad <linux-audio-dev(a)lists.linuxaudio.org>
Subject: Re: [LAD] forking (was Re: Aeolus)
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 21:28:39 +0000
On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 01:50:41PM -0700, J. Liles wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 1:24 PM, Fons Adriaensen
> > 'Convenient' is the key word here. Some people only think
> > of what's 'convenient' to them, everything else is too much
> > for their simple minds.
> >
> >
> Fons, you have to admit that with comments like that, you're making it
> rather hard for those of us trying to be on your side in this matter.
You don't have to be 'on my side'.
> Help me understand how this is an evolved, logical response,
One of the designed-in qualities of Aeolus is that it respects,
as much as is possible within the context of a software emulation,
the traditions of organ building. Which are very conservative,
anti-technology and whatever you want, like it or not.
Any changes that violate that principle, no matter how convenient
to the average user, destroy that quality and consequently harm my
interests as an author. Maybe you find that difficult to understand,
but that's how it is. Maybe the free software community fails to
understand that, in which case I feel completely justified not to
contribute to it.
hi there,
i've read the aeolus / fork mails with interest and it seems like an
outburst of opinions (which is good!).
my view is a bit less of technical nature. i can't judge if code a is
better or worse than b, i can only make out a difference in using it. that
said, the broad field of users and their needs should be considered in
this discussion.
there are a few non-technical aspects that needs to be understood in order
to tackle it more sensitively.
-very talented people can lack (like others) the ability to communicate
"well" with others, whatever that might mean
-there are different kinds of "forks". to judge if it's a "bad" or a
"good" fork one must look at it in a differentiated way
-"bad" can be "good" for others and vice versa
-Linux people are a minority concerning the OS in use. this group is
further split to smaller partitions. There are many fundamentals that
people use to differentiate themselves. the great benefits of the variety
also have the "me cool gentoo - you stupid ubuntu" effect.
looking at extreme "fork" cases to analyze the effects (*why* one does
fork not listed here):
-dude forks projext x from author y and makes a piece of crap out of it
-author sees his work dragged to dirt, while still being mentioned as author
-author sees his reputation at risk
-dude forks project x from author y (a piece of crap) and makes butter out
of it
-author feels that dude thinks he knows everyting better
-author might loose control if fork gains more interest than the original
-dude forks project x from author y, changes some indendations, and put
himself as main author
-author feels like dude is using author's work to adorn himself with
borrowed plumes wihtout added value
-dude forks project x from author y, puts it to a public repository where
it appears as the main project (and not as a fork)
-author feels like dude is using author's work to adorn himself with
borrowed plumes wihtout added value
-dude forks project x from author y, makes commercially a fortune with it,
without much changes
-author feels like dude is making money of of author's work while author
migh have no interest or success doing so
-anyone can do bad things if he/she just want's to bitch around
-there are some unwritten / non-license-dependant gentleman's agreements
how to fork and communicate
-the art is to make use of the power that forks can offer
-i think there are only few hostile forks out there
my personal experience with forks is limited to basially two projects, one
of which is ardour. i personally see it as a working prototype and a way
to dive into the code base (and doing it wrong). there was never an issue
with ardour's main author paul davis, he even gives hints (if the schedule
allows it), knowing that many modifications are of questionable coding
quailty or of no interest for him / ardour master.
as a last word, we should not forget that doing forks in a sourcetree is
by the word a natural thing to happen. <- my 1 cent
My last words to and perhaps reading of the threads about the evil that
someone forked a project from Fons, that was GPL'ed by Fons and nobody
Nobody showed a violation of the GPL by Maurizio M. Gavioli, just a
mistake he seemingly is willing to correct after I contacted him,
something Fons could have done too. Humans tend to make mistakes. If
Fons makes a mistake it's ok, if somebody else makes a mistake she/he is
bad, should shut up, should stop forking a project, should be fired.
Fons made a mistake, he chose the GPL, while he disagrees with the GPL.
And now I read to often "please, please Fons, continue writing GPL'ed
software, we will reinterpret the GPL for you".
Fons is free to stop contributing or to continue contributing by using
another license, but if he chose the GPL, he's the only one to blame and
not Maurizio M. Gavioli. Calling him simple-minded (because he is one of
those Fons was talking about, even while he didn't use Maurizio's name)
is offending netiquette, not forking the project is offending
"Aeolus is meant to emulate a pipe organ, including the limits of a real
one. It's not meant to be a backend to some sequencer or notation
software, or a general-purpose additive synthesiser." - Fons
Maurizio M. Gavioli seems to fork it, for usage with notation software.
Any discussion about something that should be wrong with doing this, is
a shame and does harm the GPL.