PandaResampler 0.2.0 has been released.
This is a header only library for C++ which implements fast factor 2, 4
or 8 upsampling and downsampling based on SSE instructions. I've
developed the code for my DSP code in Anklang and SpectMorph.
It might be useful for you if you have some DSP loop which needs to be
oversampled to avoid aliasing.
Stefan Westerfeld,
StompTuner, a Strobe Tuner in Stomp Box Format, release version 0.5
This Release fix a Sample Rate issue within the CLAP format, add the AU
(Audio Unit) plugin format for macos, and introduce a new, reworked GUI.
StompTuner using the DISTRHO DPF <> Plugin
Framework and provide plugins in the LV2|VST2|VST3|CLAP|AU format for
Linux|macOS and Windows.
Project Page (Source Code):
Release Page (Binary Packages):
Ratatouille is a Neural Model loader and mixer.
It allow to load up to two neural model files and mix there output.
Those models could be *.nam files <> or *.json
or .aidax files <>. So you could blend from
clean to crunch for example, or, go wild and mix different amp models,
or mix a amp with a pedal simulation.
A "Delay" control could add a small delay to the second model to
overcome phasing issues, or to add some color/reverb to the sound.
To round up the sound it allow to load up to two Impulse Response files
and mix there output as well. You could try the wildest combinations,
or, be conservative and load just your single preferred IR-File.
Each neural model may have a different expected Sample Rate, Ratatouille
will resample the buffer to match that.
Impulse Response Files will be resampled on the fly to match the session
Sample Rate.
Settings could be saved as presets (host side) and switched seamless.
You'll find ready to use binary packages on the release page.
Project Page:
Hello all,
zita-jclient-0.5.2 is now available at
This version is required for the 'freewheeling' classes in
zita-jacktools to work. They will fail silently with older
versions of zita-jclient.
Hello all,
I'm working on an improved version if zita-at1 which most of you
probably know as the x42-autotune plugin. The update, zita-at2,
will preserve formants while retuning.
To test and develop this I need some clean vocal tracks, in
particular of female singers and also very low (bass) males.
So if you have these available, I'd be very happy if you can
share them. They won't be used of course for any other purpose
than to improve the retuner algorithm.
TIA for anything you can provide !