On Sun, Jul 16, 2006 at 05:52:15PM +0000, carmen wrote:
you hope not
what? it just seems like Turtle should be developers choice, and the format in the .bundle
should be more standard - even Firefox can parse RDF/XML out of the box. the vast majority
of the cool tools like Fresnel/Protoge that some develoeprs might want to edit their
schemas in, don't support Turtle as well, AFAIK..
my main issue is the only RDF toolkit in Portage didnt properly include Turtle parsing.
which means theres an even slimmer chance of such things existing in Debian, Fedora, etc.
now i must investigate why this is the case.. on top of that, a lot of the ideas wrt
interactive documentation (eg wiki-style annotations of what ports actually do, user
presets, etc) on the web would be easier since RDF/XML is readily embeddable into XHTML.
throwing a 'raptor blahblah.ttl > blahblah.xml' in a SConstruct is praobly
easier than having to continually think about it on the server side (eg in PHP) or in
You can't "easily" embed RDF/XML into XHTML, you can use RDF/A or GRDDL,
but that's different. You can apply the same conversion argument just as
well the other way round. I have some PHP scripts that conneg LV2 turtle
files into HTML (still very primitive) or RDF/XML as required, it's not
exactly hard.
- Steve