2009/6/24 Chris Cannam <cannam(a)all-day-breakfast.com>om>:
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 8:22 PM, David
Robillard<dave(a)drobilla.net> wrote:
On Wed, 2009-06-24 at 17:55 +0200, Stefano
D'Angelo wrote:
Hereby I propose some default paths which could
be used, in the hope
that API authors lurking around here might want to recommend them and
host authors might want to use them:
Note the order matters for PATH-like variables such as these.
The LV2 discovery paths are documented here, FWIW:
The DSSI documentation doesn't specify the path at all (sorry, Steve).
For what it's worth:
Rosegarden looks in ~/.dssi, /usr/local/lib/dssi and /usr/lib/dssi in
that order. Its default path for LADSPA is identical except with
ladspa instead of dssi.
The simple host in the DSSI distribution looks in /usr/local/lib/dssi,
/usr/lib/dssi and ~/.dssi, in that order. Yes, this is different from
Rosegarden! I could probably argue for either ordering, but I can't
easily justify the discrepancy. I suspect Rosegarden reflects my true
preference here.
I am asking this to you as well, Chris, how does this kind of ordering
affect discovery?
(I've never really got on with the idea of using
~/.ladspa instead of
~/ladspa -- these are perhaps substantial binary files, why hide them
in a configuration directory? -- but it seemed to be widespread for
LADSPA hosts at the time DSSI was thought up, so we copied it for the
first DSSI hosts.)
IIRC Firefox lets you store plugins somewhere in ~/.mozilla, and WINE
places lots of stuff in ~/.wine... not that I say this is good or bad,
but it can maybe considered common practice??
Sonic Visualiser, my only cross-platform LADSPA host
so far, uses the
same paths as Rosegarden on Linux. On OS/X its LADSPA and DSSI paths
are the same as those for Vamp above, but with LADSPA/DSSI (all caps)
instead of Vamp. On Windows, for LADSPA it looks in
"%ProgramFiles%\\LADSPA Plugins" followed by
"%ProgramFiles%\\Audacity\\Plug-Ins" (because many users will have
effects originally installed for Audacity which IIRC loads them only
from there) and for DSSI it looks in "%ProgramFiles%\\DSSI Plugins"
Defining default paths for plugins on Windows would allow
building/usage of installers and would let Audacity developers use
standard system- and user-wide directories :-)
We're also missing default paths for LADSPA and LRDF on Mac.
In every case above, the default path is completely
overridden by any
value found in the relevant one of the LADSPA_PATH, DSSI_PATH or
VAMP_PATH environment variables (colon-separated everywhere except on
Windows where it is semicolon-separated).
This is fine and all mentioned APIs could use this scheme (probably
most hosts work like that already).
Look, I really don't care about specific default values, I just think
that having some is a good thing. Probably a little drop into the
ocean for the adoption of free APIs, yet a must have IMO.