Just wondering if anyone else has noticed a very simple way to have
session management is to have a script which connects all the neccessary
ports with jack_connect jack_disconnect?
I feel foolish that I haven't noticed this earlier and felt I should
Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd.
Http://www.boosthardware.comHttp://www.djcj.org - The Linux Audio Users guide
Apparently upon the beginning of the barrage, the donkey broke
discipline and panicked, toppling the cart. At that point, the rockets
disconnected from the timer, leaving them strewn around the street.
Tethered to the now toppled cart, the donkey was unable to escape before
the arrival of U.S. troops.
United Press International
Rockets on donkeys hit major Baghdad sites
Published 11/21/2003 11:13 AM
We are two students in France in a sound engineer
school and we are loocking for a "Memory
director"(???) from the Linux Community, french. So,
please diffuse this message. Thanks and sorry for my
bad anglish...
Nous sommes étudiants en troisième année à l'ENS Louis
Lumière (Paris) dans la section son, et nous préparons
actuellement un mémoire de fin d'études sur les
applications de LINUX dans le domaine des stations de
travail audionumériques professionnelles. Nous
prévoyons de faire un état des lieux de l'audio sous
LINUX, et de mettre au point une station de travail
dédiée qui sera en démonstration à l'école.
Notre formation initiale portant plutôt sur les
métiers du son, nous souhaiterions entrer en contact
avec un développeur ou un chercheur spécialiste de
LINUX qui pourrait nous aiguiller dans nos recherches.
Nous envisageons deux parties différentes, la première
sur l'architecture sonore de Linux, les drivers ALSA,
JACK et la façon dont tout ça fonctionne. Etablir une
guide d'installation et de mise en oeuvre de Linux
pour travailler le son.
La deuxième serait plus pratique et concernerait des
logiciel comme ARDOUR, ou les différentes
distributions Planet CCRMA, Agnula... Un comparatif et
des tests seront menés pour dégager les avantages et
défauts d'un station sous Linux par rapport à des
logiciels propriétaires du type Protools.
Nous recherchons deux directeurs, des personne plutôt
orientées et compétantes sur les aspects techniques de
Linux (nous sommes nouveaux), les drivers et
l'optimisation, ayant une connaissance du travail dans
Une petite rénumération de l'ordre du dédomagement et
prévu par l'école, Etudiants en thèse acceptés
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous êtes intéressé,
nous avons besoin de réponse assez rapides... Merci
Vous pouvez nous joindre aux adresses suivantes:
Merci de passer par ces adresses, nous n'avons pas le
temps d'éplucher les mailing lists
Joseph Jaouen
François Gueurce
Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse @yahoo.fr gratuite et en français !
Yahoo! Mail : http://fr.mail.yahoo.com
> From: hayesjaj(a)notes.udayton.edu [mailto:hayesjaj@notes.udayton.edu]
> Now that I have my card working to its fullest potential, I am
> having some difficulty with xruns. Most of my projects are
> rather long
> recordings but I cannot seem to make ardour work for more
> than 8 or so
> minutes before an xrun in jack stops the transport. I have
> tried the jack
> startup settings from the wiki (the rme_adat ones) and have
> not been able
> to get them to work. I am currently using -R -t 2000 -d alsa
> -d rme_adat
> -r 44100 -p 256 -n8 -zs -H -M which seems to give me the
> longest stretch
> of recording time.
There could be any number of reasons for xruns. My first question would be, have you applied the capabilities patch to the kernel and compiled support into jack? Are you using a tmpfs file system for jack's FIFO? What version of jack are you using?
>I would like to bump up the period length
> to -p 512
> but jack will not accept anything above -p 256 (64 works
> though).
This card has a fixed buffer size and will only work with with the number of periods set to 8 or 32. When using the adat device, the only combinations that will work (with 32 bit word size) are "-p 256 -n 8" and "-p 64 and -n 32". You bump the period length up to 512 but only if you are in 16 bit mode.
this actually is no question, but an answer, I'm posting here for
archive searchs.
For a long time, I had no sound output from Flash-enabled websites in
Mozilla with the official flash plugin using a ICE1712 chipset card
and ALSA (using OSS-emulation).
Today I tried running Mozilla through the libaoss-hack like
$ aoss mozilla
My asoundrc only contains this: "pcm.dsp0 pcm.default"
Voila: sound was playing on sites like this:
Unfourtunatly this does still not work with dsp0 routed to dmix.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
Jan, Steve, et al.
In trying to install JAMin, I found:
jamin-geq.o: In function `geq_set_coefs':
/mnt/hdb7/home2/davec/c/user/downloads/jamin/jam/src/geq.c:126: undefined
reference to `libintl_dgettext'
jamin-geq.o: In function `geq_set_sliders':
/mnt/hdb7/home2/davec/c/user/downloads/jamin/jam/src/geq.c:151: undefined
reference to `libintl_dgettext'
So I added -lintl to the gcc link line (manually). Linked OK after that.
Thanks much. I found the problem was a little error in my modules.conf
file. Now that I have my card working to its fullest potential, I am
having some difficulty with xruns. Most of my projects are rather long
recordings but I cannot seem to make ardour work for more than 8 or so
minutes before an xrun in jack stops the transport. I have tried the jack
startup settings from the wiki (the rme_adat ones) and have not been able
to get them to work. I am currently using -R -t 2000 -d alsa -d rme_adat
-r 44100 -p 256 -n8 -zs -H -M which seems to give me the longest stretch
of recording time. I would like to bump up the period length to -p 512
but jack will not accept anything above -p 256 (64 works though). Any
From: hayesjaj(a)notes.udayton.edu [mailto:hayesjaj@notes.udayton.edu]
>>3) The ability to tell Jack how many ports to make available.
>Specifically, I am interested in the third item. I have successfully
>captured and sent 2 channel audio from both dev 0 and 1, but I (as I am
>VERY new to ALSA and the .asoundrc voodoo) have not been able to use all 8
>channels of ADAT optical io. The goal of my setup is to capture 8 streams
>into Ardour via jackd from the ADAT in but I have yet to figure out how to
>access all of the interleaved data. Please excuse me if my difficulty is
>naive but as I said I am new to the finer workings of alsa and am eager to
>get some direction beyond the fragments found in news group archives.
That option is available in the alsa driver options within Jack. Perhaps you might try qjackctl, it might make everything a bit easier, especially for somebody new to Alsa, jack etc.
Also check out the RME Digi96/8 section in the alsa wiki, I've been keeping it up to date and it might help you out a bit.
Hello all,
Please forward this to all relevant lists.
I've negotiated with the organisers of Sounds Expo 2004 (a studio
technology trade show taking place near London, England, 10th to 12th
February) to have a Linux audio and music stand.
This will be a non-commercial stand demonstrating Linux audio systems
and offering free advice from Linux experts.
What we need now are:
1. Firm commitments from people who can travel to London on these
dates and offer help on the stand (doesn't have to be all three
days). You need not be an expert, as you won't be on the stand on
your own - a Linux audio user who is confident to talk about their
experience would be great. If you can bring hardware that would be a
2. Offers of sponsorship for the stand - we will need to cover venue
expenses, as we can't expect the organisers of the event to subsidise
the stand.
I believe this is the first time that an event of this type will have
a Linux stand, and I think it's really important to get the software
in front of a specialist audio (but non-Linux) audience.
gmorgan is a .. Rhythm Station, an organ with auto-accompaniment and a
"small" Band in a Linux Box. Uses MIDI and the ALSA sequencer for play the
rhythm patterns. Styles, patterns , sounds, and the mixer settings, can be
edited and saved.
Program is released GNU/GPL version 2.
== v0.18 (10/12/2003) ==
- Added full extensive documentation in .pdf and .sxv
formats. Thanks to Gilles Maire.
- Format file of patterns changed, hardly reduced size.
- Added miscelaneous edit functions.
- Parts of code rewrited to impove speed.
- Solved major and minor bugs.
- Pattern Added.
Midi Keyboard (Optional).
Available in: